Flexible Circuit Board Supplier-Fast Delivery | YMSPCB
Cost Effective Flex & Rigid-Flex PCBs
When it comes to our flex and rigid-flex products, we offer a variety of cost effective solutions and capabilities that include single or double sided circuitry to higher technology multilayer designs up to 20 layers. From selecting the best functional configuration, to choosing the proper connectors or components, we will help you meet or exceed all your applications requirements.
Our flex and rigid-flex PCBs are manufactured for various applications in the medical, military, aerospace, and portable devices industries.
Our engineering team can assist you from early design stages of your application all the way to end product production for all your flex and rigid-flex circuit needs.
Flex & Rigid-Flex PCB Manufacturing Lead Times
It's important to note that all lead times are technology dependent.
Flex:1-10 days (2-week standard lead)
Multilayer Flex (3-6 layers):2-15 days (3-week standard lead)
Multilayer flex (8-30 layers):7-20 days
Rigid-flex (2-6 layers):5-15 days (3-week standard lead)
Rigid-flex (8-30 layers):7-20 days
Xususiyat | Capability |
Quality Grade | Standard IPC 2 |
Number of Layers | 1 - 8layers |
Order Quantity | 1pc - 10000+pcs |
Build Time | 2days - 5weeks |
Materiallar | DuPont PI, Domestic Shengyi PI |
Board Size | Min 6*6mm, Max 406*610mm |
Taxta qalinligi | 0.1mm - 0.8mm |
Copper Weight (Finished) | 0.5oz - 2.0oz |
Min Tracing/Spacing | 3mil/3mil |
Solder Mask Sides | As per the file |
Solder Mask Color | Green, White, Blue, Black, Red, Yellow |
Solder-stop coating---Soldermask oil | Green, White, Blue, Black, Red, Yellow |
Solder-stop coating---Coverlay | PI and PET film |
Silkscreen Sides | As per the file |
Silkscreen Color | White, Black, Yellow |
Yuzaki tugatish | HASL - Hot air solder leveling Lead - free HASL - RoHS ENIG - RoHS Immersion Tin - RoHS OSP - RoHS |
Min Annular Ring | 4mil |
Min Drilling Hole Diameter | 8mil |
Min. hole size---Drilling (PTH) | 0.2mil |
Min. hole size---Punching (NPTH) | 0.5mil |
Tolerance of dimension | ±0.05mm |
Other Techniques | Peelable solder mask Gold fingers Stiffener (only for PI/FR4 substrate) |
Our High-Quality Flexible PCB Manufacturing Process
A key reason why YMS is widely regarded as a top PCB factory is our unwavering commitment to quality. Our experienced team checks each design and takes the time to review it with you prior to production. This ensures the circuit design is ready for manufacturing, and your boards will deliver the performance you expect. We guarantee the quality of our flex PCB parts and components.
Odamlar ham so'rashadi:
1. Moslashuvchan PCBni qanday qilishim mumkin
YMS mahsulotlari haqida ko'proq bilib oling

Elektron plata moslashuvchan bo'lishi mumkinmi?
Moslashuvchan sxemalar nima uchun ishlatiladi?
Ular LCD televizorlarda, uyali telefonlarda, antennalarda, noutbuklarda keng qo'llaniladi va nima emas! Ushbu aloqa qurilmalari moslashuvchan PCBlarning paydo bo'lishi bilan sakrash rivojlanishini ko'rdi. Biroq, moslashuvchan sxemalardan foydalanish faqat bu erda cheklanmaydi.
PCB -ni qanday moslashuvchan qilishim mumkin?
1-qadam: Mis bilan qoplangan filmni oling.
2-qadam: Qattiq siyohli printerdan foydalaning;
3-qadam: Pyralux-da chop etish;
4-qadam: Etch it;
5-qadam: Kengashni to'ldiring