Extreme Copper PCB 2 Layer 10 0z Heavy Copper Board| YMS PCB
The construction of a heavy copper circuit endows a board with benefits such as:
- Increased endurance to thermal strains.
- Increased current carrying capacity.
- Increased mechanical strength at connector sites and in PTH holes.
- Use of exotic materials to their full potential without circuit failure.
- Reduced product size by incorporating multiple copper weights on the same layer of circuitry .
- Heavy copper plated vias carry higher current through the board and help to transfer heat to an external heatsink.
YMS Heavy mis PCB ishlab chiqarish imkoniyatlari:
YMS Heavy mis PCB ishlab chiqarish imkoniyatlari haqida umumiy ma'lumot | ||
Xususiyat | imkoniyatlar | |
Qatlamlarni hisoblash | 1-30 l | |
Base Moddiy | FR-4 standart Tg, FR4-oʻrta Tg,FR4-Yuqori Tg | |
Qalinligi | 0,6 mm - 8,0 mm | |
Maksimal tashqi qatlam mis og'irligi (tayyor) | 15 oz | |
Maksimal ichki qatlam mis og'irligi (tugagan) | 30 oz | |
Minimal chiziq kengligi va bo'sh joy | 4 oz Kuy 8mil/8mil; 5 oz Cu 10mil/10mil; 6 oz Cu 12mil/12mil; 12oz Kuy 18mil/28mil; 15oz Cu 30mil/38mil .va hokazo. | |
BGA PITCH | 0,8 mm (32 mil) | |
Eng kam mexanik burg'ulash hajmi | 0,25 mm (10 mil) | |
Teshikning nisbati | 16: 1 | |
Yuzaki tugatish | HASL, qo'rg'oshinsiz HASL, ENIG, immersion qalay, OSP, immersion kumush, oltin barmoq, elektrokaplama qattiq oltin, selektiv OSP , ENEPIG.etc. | |
To'ldirish opsiyasi orqali | Orqali qoplanadi va o'tkazuvchan yoki o'tkazmaydigan epoksi bilan to'ldiriladi, so'ngra yopiladi va qoplanadi (VIPPO) | |
Mis bilan to'ldirilgan, kumush bilan to'ldirilgan | ||
Ro'yxatdan o'tish | ± 4 mil | |
Lehim maskasi | Yashil, qizil, sariq, moviy, oq, qora, binafsha, mat qora, mat yashil va boshqalar. |
Kabi bo'lishi mumkin:
1、What are the precautions for heavy copper PCB wiring
2、What are the specifications of heavy copper PCB
3、What are the heavy copper PCB materials
YMS mahsulotlari haqida ko'proq bilib oling

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