China Rigid flex pcb multilayer flexible pcb HDI Any-Layer PCBs stacked vias | YMSPCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Rigid flex pcb multilayer flexible pcb HDI Any-Layer PCBs stacked vias | YMSPCB

Pondok Description:

Rigid-Flex circuit boards are composed of a combination of rigid and flexible circuit boards that are permanently connected to one another. In consumer products, rigid flex doesn’t just maximize space and weight but greatly improves reliability, eliminating many needs for solder joints and delicate, fragile wiring that are prone to connection issues. These are just some examples, but rigid flex PCBs can be used to benefit nearly all advanced electrical applications including testing equipment, tools and automobiles.

YMS is a professional PCB factory has engaged in RFPCB for many years, welcome to contact us for your best rigid flexible printed circuit boards.

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Naon PCB Flex kaku?

Papan sirkuit cetak kaku-Flex are boards using a combination of flexible and rigid board technologies in an application. 

Aplikasi ditangtoskeun tina papan circuit kaku-Flex nawiskeun solusi anu optimal pikeun sesah, kaayaan rohangan terbatas. Téknologi ieu nawiskeun kamungkinan sambungan aman komponén alat kalayan jaminan polaritasna sareng stabilitas kontak, ogé ngirangan komponén colokan sareng konektor.

Kauntungan tambahan tina papan sirkuit kaku-Flex nyaéta stabilitas dinamis sareng mékanis, kabébasan desain 3 diménsi anu dihasilkeun, instalasi saderhana, hemat ruang, sareng pemeliharaan ciri listrik anu seragam.


Lapisan: 8L kaku pcb flex

Pikiran Papan: 0.69mm +/- 0.1mm

Kandel PCB dina bagian lentur: 0,5mm +/- 0,05mm

Bahan Dasar: PI + FR4pp

Min laser liang: 0.075mm (3mil)

Liang mékanis mnt: 0.15mm

Lebar garis minimum / Izin : 0.046mm / 0.046mm (1.8mil / 1.8mil)

Izin minimum antara Lapisan Batin PTH sareng Garis : 0.175mm

Ukuran : 160.92mm × 145mm

Aspék Rasio : 4.6: 1

perlakuan beungeut: ENIG

Husus: kaku pcb fleksibel multilayer fpc HDI Sakur Lapisan PCB ditumpukkeun vias, Rangkaian sirkuit 1.8mil, Densitas Tinggi Pangambung PCB 1.8mil / 1.8mil, Laser via tambaga dilapis tutup

Imédansi bédana 100 + 7 / -8Ω

Aplikasi: stimulator médis

kaku flex atackup seueur jinis

 YMS  kaku Flex PCB  manufaktur capa pangabisa:

Kamampuh manufaktur YMS kaku Flex PCB tinjauan umum
Fitur kamampuan
Lapisan Count 2-20L
Kandel-Flex Kandel 0.3mm-5.0mm
Kandel PCB dina bagian lentur 0,08-0,8 mm
tambaga Kandel 1 / 4OZ-10OZ
Lebar minimum sareng Spasi 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
Pangaku Baja stainless steel PI, FR4 jsb.
Bahan Polyimide Flex + FR4, RA tambaga, tambaga HTE, polimida, perekat, Bondply
Ukuran mékanis dibor mékanis 0.15mm (6mil)
Ukuran liang Min laser: 0.075mm (3mil)  
Permukaan Rengse Bérés Microt / RF PCB urface parantos réngsé: Éléktrolasi Nikel, Immersion Gold, ENEPIG, HASL gratis timbal, Perendaman Perak.dll
Masker Solder Héjo, Beureum, Konéng, Biru, Bodas, Hideung, Ungu, Matte Hideung, Matte héjo. Sareng sajabana.
Covrelay (Bagian Flex) Coverlay Konéng, WhiteCoverlay, Coverlay Hideung

  • Saméméhna:
  • Hareup:

  • Naon PCB flex?

    Flexible PCBs (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.

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