OEM Kilang kitu pikeun Oem Double Sisi Pcb dicitak Circuit Board
Our primary target will be to provide our clients a serious and responsible small business relationship, supplying personalized attention to all of them for OEM Factory for Oem Double Side Pcb Printed Circuit Board, We welcome new and aged shoppers from all walks of daily life to call us for long term business associations and mutual accomplishment!
Target primér kami bakal nyadiakeun klien kami hubungan bisnis serius tur jawab leutik, supplying perhatian pribadi ka sadaya sahijina keur Pcb ,Pcb Circuit Board ,dicitak Circuit Board , We have a large share in global market. Our company has strong economic strength and offers excellent sale service. We've got established faith, friendly, harmonious business relationship with customers in different countries. , such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Indi and other Southeast Asian countries and European, African and Latin American countries.
Plat tambaga kandel proses produksi dasar:
A, The plat core jero ieu diala ku motong bahan, sarta sirkuit jero dijieun dina unggal pelat core jero mungguh ngaliwatan tahap ngolah grafik jero tur etching. Sajumlah hampang tambaga anu interleaved di tepi piring di wewengkon buka unggal pelat core jero sangkan unggal pelat core batin.
B, Lapisan jero na lapisan luar foil tambaga anu dipencet babarengan ku lambar semi-curing sangkan multi-lapisan plat produksi.
C, Nurutkeun kana téhnologi aya, piring tambaga kandel keur disiapkeun ku pos-perlakuan piring produksi multilayer.