High Tg PCB Advanced PCB Manufacturing| YMS PCB
How do I classify high-TG materials?
Waxyaabaha | TG | MOT |
FR4-standard-TG | 130°C | 110°C |
FR4-mittel-TG | 150°C | 130°C |
FR4-hoch-TG | 170°C | 150°C |
Polyimid-Super-hoch-TG-Material | 250°C | 230°C |
ome common high-frequency materials do not mention TGs in their datasheets. This is due to the original meaning of TG: "temperature of glass transition". Many ceramics- or PTFE-based materials do simply not contain any glass fibres and therefore have no technical TG. Generally, this fact also applies to Polyimides (PI). However, you can usually assume a TG of at least 200°C for Polyimide, ceramics or PTFE-materials. In this case the TG simply stands for temperature resistance.
You may apply the following values:
Material type | Typical „TG“ |
CEM1 | 110-130°C |
FR4 | 120-180°C |
PTFE | 200-260°C |
Ceramic | 200-300°C |
Polyimide | 200-350°C |
YMS High Tg PCB manufacturing capabilities:
YMS High Tg PCB manufacturing capabilities overview |
Muuqaalka | awoodaha | |
Tirinta Lakabka | 3-60L | |
Teknolojiyada PCB-ga Multilayer-ka ah | Iyada oo loo marayo godka Qaybta Aspect 16: 1 | |
aasay oo indho la 'via | ||
Iskujir | High Frequency Material such as RO4350B and FR4 TG 180°Mix etc. | |
High Speed Material such as M7NE and FR4 TG 180°Mix etc. | ||
Dhumucdiisuna | 0.3mm-8mm | |
Ballaaran khadka ugu yar iyo Booska | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) | |
GAROONKA BGA | 0.35mm | |
Min Qiyaas ahaan qodan Farsamo | 0.15mm (6mil) | |
Saamiga saamiga illaa daloolka | 16: 1 | |
Dhammeystirka dusha sare | HASL, Lead free HASL, ENIG, Immersion Tin, OSP, Immersion Silver, Finger Gold, Electroplating Gold Gold, Selective OSP , ENEPIG.etc. | |
Via Buuxi Xulashada | Khadka la mariyo ayaa lagu dhajiyay oo lagu buuxiyay epoxy tabin ama tabin la'aan ah ka dibna la daboolay oo la dul saaray (VIPPO) | |
Naxaas la buuxiyey, lacagna la buuxiyey | ||
Diiwaangelinta | M 4milyan | |
Maaskaro Alxan | Cagaar, Casaan, Jaale, Buluug, Caddaan, Madoow, Midabbo, Matte Madow, Matte green. Iwm. |
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