Akatungamira kuratidza skrini pcb HDI laser kuburikidza nePAD mhangura yakafukidzwa yakavharwa | YMSPCB
Chii chinonzi LED kuratidza skrini kudhindwa redunhu bhodhi:
Ratidza LED, inozivikanwawo seye LED screen, LED vhidhiyo madziro, LED pani kana LED signage, zvishoma nezvishoma yakatsiva echinyakare mabhiribhodhi, mwenje mabhokisi uye zvichingodaro neakasarudzika makomborero. LED kuratidza kushambadzira rave simba idzva muindasitiri yenhau.
Tsika dzechinyakare dzinongogona kuratidza mifananidzo, asi iyo LED inoratidzira / LED inoratidzira / LED skrini inogona kuve yakakwana kusangana kwemavara, mifananidzo, vhidhiyo uye kurira, uye iwe unogona kushandura mharidzo sezvainodiwa.
Izvo zvinogona kuridzwa zvine mutsindo kuburikidza neanoratidza player software marongero, uye ine resolution yepamusoro, kupenya kwakakwirira uye yakazara ruvara!
Iyo LED inoratidzira yekushambadzira skrini inogona kukwezva nyore kutarisa kune vanofamba netsoka, uye zviri nyore kuyeuka, izvo zvinogona kuburitsa yakakura kushambadzira mhedzisiro.
Zviratidziro zveMAI izvozvi zvinoshandiswa zvakanyanya mukushambadzira kwemidhiya, kutakura, chengetedzo, zvivakwa uye nhanho yekuita nhanho.
Chiratidziro cheLED chakanakisa uye hachikuvadzike nyore nyore, uye chine hupenyu hwakareba hwebasa, hunochengetedza yakawanda yemari isingakoshi uye mari.
Schematic diagrams of wire bonding flip chip and ThinGaN LEDs
YMS akatungamirira ratidza chidzitiro pcb kugadzira nezvaanogona:
YMS akatungamirira ratidza chidzitiro pcb mukugadzira nezvaanogona pfupiso | |
Feature | kugona |
Layer Count | 1-60L |
Inowanikwa LED kuratidza skrini pcb Technology | 1 + N + 1 |
2 + N + 2 | |
3 + N + 3 | |
4 + N + 4 | |
5 + N + 5 | |
Chero rukoko | |
Ukobvu | 0.3mm-6mm |
Minimum mutsara Hupamhi uye Nzvimbo | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) |
Chiedza Chinoburitsa Diode PITCH | P0.47mm; P0.58mm; P0.70mm; P0.77mm; P0.925mm; P1.0mm; nezvimwe. |
Min laser Yakachera Saizi | 0.075mm (3nil) |
Min michina Yakaboorwa Saizi | 0.15mm (6mil) |
Aspect Ratio kuti Laser mugomba | 0.9: 1 |
Aspect Ratio kuburikidza nepaburi | 16: 1 |
Pamusoro Pedza | HASL, Tungamira yemahara HASL, ENIG, Kunyudza Tin, OSP, Kunyudza Sirivheri, Goridhe Munwe, Electroplating Hard Goridhe, Inosarudza OSP, ENEPIG.etc. |
Via Zadza Sarudzo | Iyo nzira inoputirwa uye izere neyakaitisa kana isiri-inoitisa epoxy yakabva yavhara uye kufukidzwa pamusoro |
Mhangura yakazadzwa, sirivheri yakazadzwa | |
Laser kuburikidza nemhangura yakavharwa yakavharwa | |
Kunyoresa | ± 4mil |
Solder Mask | Green, Tsvuku, Yero, Bhuruu, Chena, Dema, Pepuru, Matte Nhema, Matte girini.etc. |
- It is beneficial to use LED PCB as it helps electronics get thinner and smaller. Its numerous applications include but not limited to:
1. Telecom LED PCB
Telecommunication devices use LED displays and indicators. The LEDs offer decreased weight, improved durability, and enhanced heat transfer. So, they are much useful in the telecom sector applications such as high-frequency amplifiers and filtering appliances.
2. Automotive LED PCB
They can be found in car indicators, brake lights, headlights, and other devices. Longevity, durability, and low prices are the reason that LED PCBs aluminum PCB are common in the automotive industry.
3. Computer LED PCB
They are also becoming common in computer equipment as indicators and displays. The LED PCB board is an ideal solution for the heat-sensitive computer machinery.
4. Medical LED PCB
In medical examinations and surgeries, high-powered LED lighting tools are used. They ensure the proper function of the medical equipment regardless of the number of patients in the medical office.
5. Other LED PCB
Other application fields of LED PCB board are airport runway lights, street lighting, photovoltaic (solar) lightening, lanterns and flashlights, highway tunnel lightening, highway growth plant, signal, and traffic lighting.
LED PCBs are best for consumer devices, some marine and aviation applications, flashlight and other camping accessories in lower-light environments, elevator lighting, power converters, decorative and concealed lights, and many more
Dzidza zvakawanda nezve YMS zvigadzirwa