Flex rigid Board semi flex PCB Black Soldermask| YMSPCB
What is Semi-Flex PCB?
Iyo yechinyakare yekugadzira maitiro esemi-flex pcb iri kutora iyo inokombama FR-4 zvinhu uye kugadzira pcb zvinoenderana neyechinyakare yakaoma yakaoma pcb yekugadzira maitiro, uye wozoshandisa yakadzika yekugaya tekinoroji kutetepa nzvimbo dzinoda kukomberedzwa kuti iine imwe nhanho yekuchinjika, kuti usangane nezvinodiwa zveungano kukotama kubatana.
SEMI-FLEX kureba Calculator: (2 x Π x bend radius) x (bend kona / 360 °)
Semuenzaniso, kukotama ka5 pamusoro penzvimbo ye180 degree ine nharaunda ye5mm inoda hushoma hurefu hweiyo semi-flex chikamu che15,7mm
YMS Semi-Flex PCB kugadzira capa bility:
YMS Semi-Flex pcb kugadzira kugona kugona | ||
Feature | kugona | |
Layer Count | 2-20L, ine 1 - 2 inoitisa materu mune inochinjika chikamu | |
Vanachandagwinyira-Flex ukobvu | 0.5mm-5.0mm | |
Pcb ukobvu mune flex chikamu | 0.15-0.8mm ± 0.05mm | |
mhangura Ukobvu | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Minimum mutsara Hupamhi uye Nzvimbo | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) | |
Stiffeners | Simbi isina chinhu, PI, FR4, Aluminium nezvimwewo. | |
Mashoko | FR4, RA mhangura, HTE mhangura, inonamira, Bondply, inovhara, flex soldermask | |
Min michina Yakaboorwa Saizi | 0.15mm (6mil) | |
Min Laser Makomba Size: | 0.075mm (3mil) | |
Pamusoro Pedza | Inokodzera Microwave / RF PCB urface inopedzisa: Electroless Nickel, Kunyudza Goridhe, ENEPIG, Tungamira yemahara HASL, Kunyudza Sirivheri.etc. | |
Solder Mask | Green, Tsvuku, Yero, Bhuruu, Chena, Dema, Pepuru, Matte Nhema, Matte girini.etc. | |
Covrelay (Flex Chikamu) | Yero Coverlay, WhiteCoverlay, Nhema Coverlay |
Dzidza zvakawanda nezveYMS zvigadzirwa
Verenga dzimwe nhau

What is a rigid flex board?
The rigid-flex board is a flexible circuit board(FPC) and a rigid circuit board (PCB), which are combined together according to the relevant process requirements through pressing and other processes in the PCB proofing to form a circuit board with FPC characteristics and PCB characteristics.
What is difference between rigid and flexible boards?
As the names suggest, a rigid PCB is a circuit board built on a rigid base layer that cannot bend, while a flexible PCB, also called a flex circuit, is built on a flexible base capable of bending, twisting and folding.
Where are rigid flex PCBs used?
You’ll find them in commercial, industrial and military applications. From digital cameras to cell phones to smart devices, they serve them all. Especially in the medical industry for developing pacemakers for their weight reduction, space, and flexible capabilities.