China Flex rigid Board semi flex PCB Black Soldermask| YMSPCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Flex rigid Board semi flex PCB Black Soldermask| YMSPCB

Faamatalaga puupuu:

Our flex and rigid-flex circuit board solutions are custom designed for many top tier OEMs. Manufactured with dependable reliability, our flexible circuits are built to withstand the rigors of aerospace, medical, and military applications. As a high reliability replacement for wire and wire harness assemblies, flex circuits provide a significant cost savings with no reduction in performance.

le faataamilosaga

Faʻaputuga: 4L Semi-Flex PCB

Mafiafia: 1 ± 0.10mm

Min.Hole tele : 0.2mm

Lautele aupito lautele lautele / kiliaina: 0.1mm / 0.1mm

Faavae Mea: FR4 + Ufiufi vaega + Flex soldermask

Tele : 35mm × 34mm

Vaega Fuafuaina: 5: 1

Luga togafitiga: ENIG

Faʻapitoa: Semi-Flex PCB ma piʻo tulimanu 180 °

Talosaga: faaeletonika faatau

Faamatalaga oloa


pine o oloa

What is Semi-Flex PCB?

O le masani ai gaosiga gaioiga o semi-flex PCB o loʻo taliaina le punou FR-4 mea ma faia PCB e tusa ai ma le masani gaosi PCB gaosiga gaioiga, ona faʻaaogaina ai lea o le loloto milling tekonolosi e manifinifi vaega na manaʻomia e punou ina ia i ai se tikeri mautinoa o le fetuʻutuʻunaʻi, ina ia mafai ai ona ausia manaʻoga o le faʻapipiʻiina punou fesoʻotaʻiga.

Luga o le SEMI-FLEX Calculator: (2 x Π x loloʻu faataamilosaga) x (loloʻu tulimanu / 360 °)

Mo se faʻataʻitaʻiga, punou 5 taimi i luga o le tulimanu o le 180 tikeri ma le faataamilosaga o 5mm manaʻomia se maualalo umi o le semi-flex vaega o le 15,7mm


 YMS  Semi-Flex PCB gaosiga capa faʻaaogaina :

YMS Semi-Flex PCB gaosiga gafatia aotelega
Faʻaaliga agavaʻa
Faʻamaumauga 2-20L, ma le 1 - 2 conductive faaputuga i le fetuʻutuʻunaʻi vaega
Mafiafia-Flex mafiafia 0.5mm-5.0mm
Mafiafia PCB i flex vaega 0.15-0.8mm ± 0.05mm
apamemea mafiafia 1 / 4OZ-10OZ
Maualalo laina lautele ma avanoa 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
Faigata Uamea stainless, PI, FR4, Alumini ma isi.
Meafaitino FR4, RA 'apamemea, HTE' apamemea, pipiʻi, Bondply , coverlayer, flex soldermask
Min masini Viliina lapoa 0.15mm (6mil)
Min leisa Lolo pu: 0.075mm (3mil)  
Luga Faʻamaeʻaina Mafai ona maeʻa microwave / RF PCB urface maeʻa: Eletise leai ni eletise, Faʻafofuina auro, ENEPIG, Sailia saoloto HASL, Immersion Silver.etc.
Ufimata ufimata Lanumeamata, Mumu, Lanumoana, Lanumoana, Paʻepaʻe, Uliuli, lanu viole, Matte Uliuli, Matte lanumeamata.
Covrelay (Flex Vaega) Coverlay samasama, WhiteCoverlay, Black Coverlay

  • Talu:
  • Sosoo ai:

  • What is a rigid flex board?

    The rigid-flex board is a flexible circuit board(FPC) and a rigid circuit board (PCB), which are combined together according to the relevant process requirements through pressing and other processes in the PCB proofing to form a circuit board with FPC characteristics and PCB characteristics.

    What is difference between rigid and flexible boards?

    As the names suggest, a rigid PCB is a circuit board built on a rigid base layer that cannot bend, while a flexible PCB, also called a flex circuit, is built on a flexible base capable of bending, twisting and folding.

    Where are rigid flex PCBs used?

    You’ll find them in commercial, industrial and military applications. From digital cameras to cell phones to smart devices, they serve them all. Especially in the medical industry for developing pacemakers for their weight reduction, space, and flexible capabilities.

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