China Rigid flexible pcb 6L HDI PCB Laser via copper plated shut| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Rigid flexible pcb 6L HDI PCB Laser via copper plated shut| YMS PCB

Penerangan Ringkas:

China pcb manufacturer YMS has extensive experience, product knowledge and technical competency in Flex and Rigid Flex manufacturing.


Lapisan: 6L HDI Rigid Flex PCB

Pemikiran Papan: 0.6mm +/- 0.1mm

Ketebalan PCB di bahagian lentur: 0.08mm +/- 0.03mm

Bahan Asas: PI + FR4PP

Lubang mekanikal minimum: 0.15mm

Lebar / Jarak Garis Minimum: 0.075mm / 0.075mm (3mil / 3mil)

Pelepasan minimum antara Lapisan Dalam PTH dan Garis: 0.2mm


Nisbah Aspek: 5.33: 1

Rawatan permukaan: ENIG

Speciality: rigid flex pcb HDI staggered vias,Laser via copper plated shut

Impedans pembezaan 100 + 7 / -8Ω

Applications: Camera Moudule

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Apa itu PCB Rigid Flex?

Rigid-Flex printed circuit boards are designed to provide solutions, and act as replacements for rigid PCBs. As the name suggests, these circuit boards are a hybrid of flex and rigid circuits. The advantage of this type is that they exhibit the benefits of both rigid as well as flexible circuit boards.

Penumpukan lenturan tegar

 Kapasiti Rigid Flex PCB  manufacturing capa:

Gambaran keseluruhan keupayaan pembuatan YMS Rigid Flex PCB
Ciri kemampuan
Kiraan Lapisan 2-20L
Ketebalan tegar 0.3mm-5.0mm
Ketebalan PCB di bahagian lentur 0.08-0.8mm
Ketebalan tembaga 1 / 4OZ-10OZ
Lebar dan Ruang Garisan minimum 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
Penguat Keluli tahan karat , PI , FR4 , Aluminium dll.
Bahan Polyimide Flex + FR4, RA copper, HTE copper, polyimide, adhesive, Bondply
Saiz Penggerudian Min mekanikal 0.15mm (6 juta)
Saiz Lubang Laser Min: 0.075mm (3 juta)  
Kemasan Permukaan Kemasan permukaan mikro gelombang mikro / RF yang sesuai: Electroless Nickel, Immersion Gold, ENEPIG, HASL bebas plumbum, Immersion Silver.etc.
Topeng Pateri Hijau, Merah, Kuning, Biru, Putih, Hitam, Ungu, Matte Hitam, Matte hijau.etc.
Covrelay (Bahagian Flex) Penutup Kuning, Penutup Putih, Penutupan Hitam



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