China Rigid flex pcb multilayer FPC blind and buried via Qr code| YMSPCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Rigid flex pcb multilayer FPC blind and buried via Qr code| YMSPCB

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Rigid flex PCBs use a combination of both a rigid and flexible substrates to achieve the desired effect. These components are then laminated together to form a unified structure, allowing Rigid-Flex PCB’s to be manufactured to produce the most interconnect solutions. 


Lapisan: 8L multilayer Rlex Flex

Pikirane Papan: 1.0mm +/- 0.1mm

Kekandelan PCB ing bagean lentur: 0.3mm +/- 0.05mm

Bahan Dasar: PI + FR4

Min Lubang mekanik : 0.15mm

Jembar baris / reresik minimal: 0,05mm / 0,05mm (2mil / 2mil)

Reresik Minimal antarane Inner Layer PTH lan Line : 0.2mm

Ukuran : 180.5mm × 165mm

Rasio Aspek : 6.67: 1

perawatan lumahing: ENIG

Khusus: Plex fleks pcb multilayer Rlex Flex wuta lan dikubur nganggo kode Qr

Impedansi beda 100 + 7 / -8Ω

Aplikasi: Smart Rings 

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Apa PCB Flex Kaku?

Papan sirkuit dicetak kaku-Flex dirancang kanggo menehi solusi, lan tumindak minangka sulih kanggo PCB kaku. Kaya jenenge, papan sirkuit iki minangka hibrida sirkuit fleksibel lan kaku. Kauntungan saka jinis iki yaiku nampilake mupangate kalor papan sirkuit sing kaku uga fleksibel.

Tumpukan fleksibel kaku

 YMS  Rigid Flex PCB  manufaktur :

Tinjauan kapabilitas pabrikan YMS Rigid Flex PCB
Fitur kapabilitas
Count Layer 2-20L
Kandel Fleksibel kaku 0.3mm-5.0mm
Kekandelan PCB ing bagean lentur 0,08-0,8mm
tembaga Kandel 1 / 4OZ-10OZ
Jembar lan Spasi baris minimal 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
Stiffeners Baja tahan karat , PI , FR4 , Aluminium lsp.
Materi Polyimide Flex + FR4, tembaga RA, tembaga HTE, polyimide, adhesive, Bondply
Ukuran Bor Min mekanis 0.15mm (6mil)
Ukuran bolongan laser min: 0,075mm (3mil)  
Lumahing Rampung Rampung permukaan mikro Microt / RF PCB sing cocog: Nikel Elektrol, Emas Immersion, ENEPIG, HASL gratis timbal, Silver Immersion. Lsp.
Topeng Solder Ijo, Abang, Kuning, Biru, Putih, Ireng, Ungu, Matte Ireng, Matte ijo.
Covrelay (Bagian Flex) Coverlay Kuning, Tutup Putih, Tutup Ireng

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  • What is a flex PCB?

    Flexible PCBs (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.

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