China Metal pcb Double sided metal core pcb Metal clad pcb| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Metal pcb Double sided metal core pcb Metal clad pcb| YMS PCB

Katrangan singkat:

In a multilayer metal core printed circuit board (MCPCB ), the layers will be evenly distributed on each side of the metal core. For instance, in a 12-layer board, the metal core will be at the center with 6 layers on the top and 6 layers at the bottom. 


Lapisan: 2L 

Board Thinkness:3.0mm

Bahan Dasar: Tembaga Clad Laminate

Minimal bolongan: 0.5mm

Jembar baris / reresik minimal: 0.2mm / 0.2mm

Reresik Minimal antarane Inner Layer PTH lan Line : 0.2mm


Rasio Aspek : 6: 1

perawatan lumahing: OSP

Spesialisasi: inti logam multilayer

Aplikasi: Konverter

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Kanggo landasan logam, tembaga lan aluminium digunakake ing PCB, nanging duwe macem-macem aplikasi,

Nanging, yen kita ngrembug saka Angle saka PCB Plating, kita njaluk jawaban babar blas beda:

PCB plating utamané kalebu tembaga, timah, nikel lan plating.Copper emas plating iku teknologi Processing penting ing Manufaktur PCB.

Sing ngerti, plating tembaga nduweni kaluwihan saka doyo apik electrical, termal doyo, malleability mechanical lan supaya ing, yaiku, kecemplung tembaga sawise ngebur, listrik saka kabèh PCB, lan sirkuit thickening karo tembaga, kabeh kang kanggo mesthekake konduktivitas listrik ; Kajaba iku, solusi plating biasa CuSO4;

In short, the process goes like this: drilling - immersion copper-plating - wire-drawing - etching

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