HDI PCB 12 Layer 2 Step HDI Board | YMS PCB
Lapisan: 12
Base Material:FR4 High Tg EM827
Kekandelan : 1,2 ± 0,1mm
Min.Hole Size:0.15mm
Minimum Line Width/Space:0.075mm/0.075mm
Reresik Minimal antarane Inner Layer PTH lan Line : 0.2mm
Aspek: 8: 1
perawatan lumahing: ENIG
Speciality: Laser via copper plated shut,VIPPO Technology,Blind Via and Buried Hole
Aplikasi: Warung
What is HDI PCBs?
High density interconnect (HDI) PCBs represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the printed circuit board market. Because of its higher circuitry density, the PCB HDI Kab design can incorporate finer lines and spaces, smaller vias and capture pads, and higher connection pad densities. A high-density PCB features blind and buried vias and often contains microvias that are .006 in diameter or even less.
1.Multi-langkah IPM mbisakake sambungan antara lapisan;
2.Cross-lapisan Processing laser bisa nambah tingkat kualitas multi-langkah IPM;
kombinasi 3.The saka IPM lan bahan dhuwur-frekuensi, Laminasi basis logam, FPC lan Laminasi khusus lan pangolahan ngaktifake kabutuhan Kapadhetan dhuwur lan frekuensi dhuwur, ngleksanakke dhuwur panas, utawa patemon 3D.
YMS HDI PCB manufaktur :
Ringkesan kabisan pabrik YMS HDI PCB | |
Fitur | kapabilitas |
Count Layer | 4-60L |
Kasedhiya Teknologi PCB HDI | 1 + N + 1 |
2 + N + 2 | |
3 + N + 3 | |
4 + N + 4 | |
5 + N + 5 | |
Lapisan apa wae | |
Kandel | 0.3mm-6mm |
Jembar lan Spasi baris minimal | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) |
BGA PITCH | 0,35mm |
Ukuran Bor Min laser | 0.075mm (3nil) |
Ukuran Bor Min mekanis | 0.15mm (6mil) |
Aspek Rasio kanggo bolongan laser | 0,9: 1 |
Rasio Aspek liwat bolongan | 16: 1 |
Lumahing Rampung | HASL, HASL, timah gratis, ENG, Timah, OSP, Silver Immersion, Driji Emas, Gold Hard Electroplating, OSP Selektif, ENEPIG.etc. |
Liwat Isi Isi | Via dilapisi lan diisi epoxy konduktif utawa non-konduktif banjur ditutup lan dilapis |
Isi tembaga, perak isi | |
Laser liwat tembaga dilapisi mati | |
Registrasi | ± 4mil |
Topeng Solder | Ijo, Abang, Kuning, Biru, Putih, Ireng, Ungu, Matte Ireng, Matte ijo. |
Sampeyan Bisa Kaya:
1, The application range and circuit advantage of HDI board are introduced
2. PCB production skills: HDI board CAM production method
3. PCB design of 1 step, 2 step and 3step HDI
Sinau luwih lengkap babagan produk YMS

What is HDI in PCB?
HDI Boards – High Density Interconnect
What are the layers of a PCB?
Substrate Layer.
Copper Layer.
Soldermask layer.
Silkscreen layer.
What is HDI stackup?
HDI is short for high density interconnect, and refers to the use of buried, blind and micro vias as well as any layer HDIs to create compact boards.