Rigid flex pcb multilayer FPC blind and buried via Qr code| YMSPCB
Dab Tsi Ua Rigid Flex PCB?
Rigid-Flex cov ntawv luam tawm Circuit Court yog tsim los muab kev daws teeb meem, thiab ua cov khoom hloov rau cov PCBs txhav. Raws li lub npe hais, cov Circuit Court Circuit Court yog qhov sib txuas ntawm cov nyom thiab cov voj voog sib zog. Qhov kom zoo dua ntawm hom no yog qhov lawv pom muaj cov txiaj ntsig ntawm ob qho tib si txhawm rau ntxiv rau lub rooj tsav xwm yooj ywm kom yooj yim.
YMS Rigid Flex PCB khoom siv capa cov peev txheej:
YMS Rigid Flex PCB kev tsim khoom lag luam txheej txheem cej luam | ||
Ntseg | muaj peev xwm | |
Txheej Txheej | 2-20 L | |
Rigid-Flex Thickness | 0.3mm-5.0 hli | |
PCB tuab hauv seem ntu | 0.08-0.8 hli | |
tooj liab Thickness | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Yam tsawg kawg kab Dav thiab qhov chaw | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) | |
Lub cev txhav tawv | Stainless hlau , PI , FR4 , Aluminium thiab lwm yam. | |
Cov khoom siv | Polyimide Flex + FR4, RA tooj liab, HTE tooj liab, polyimide, nplaum, Bondply | |
Min mechanical Drilled Qhov Coob | 0.15 hli (6mil) | |
Min laser Qhov Loj: | 0.075mm (3mil) | |
Nto xaus | Kev Tsim Nyog Microwave / RF PCB urface ua kom tiav: Electroless Nickel, Immersion Gold, ENEPIG, Ua HASL dawb, Immersion Silver.etc. | |
Tus Neeg Muag Khoom Daim npog qhov ncauj | Ntsuab, Liab, Daj, Xiav, Dawb, Dub, Ntshav, Matte Dub, Matte green.etc. | |
Covrelay (Flex Tshooj) | Daj Coverlay, WhiteCoverlay, Npog Dub |
Kawm paub ntau ntxiv txog YMS cov khoom
Nyeem xov xwm ntxiv

What is a flex PCB?
Flexible PCBs (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.
Sau koj cov lus no thiab xa nws mus rau peb