Tuam Tshoj Ob chav sided PCB txheem pcb Countersink manufacturers | YMSPCB Hoobkas thiab manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Ob chav sided PCB txheem pcb Countersink manufacturers | YMSPCB

Luv hauj lwm:

Ob-tog PCBs feem ntau pom muaj nyob hauv ntau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob siv txhua hnub. Thaum ib leeg-sab PCBs muaj ib tug conductive nto, ob-sided PCBs muaj ib tug conductive txheej ntawm txhua sab. Ib txheej dielectric yog ib puag ncig los ntawm cov txheej tooj liab thiab cov npog ntsej muag ntawm ob sab. Vias tso cai rau cov tuam txhab tsim cov kab ntawm ob sab uas taug kev ncig ib leeg thiab sib txuas ntawm cov khaubncaws sab nraud povtseg. Chaw tsim tshuaj paus siv ob-sided PCBs rau cov khoom uas xav tau ib tug pib mus rau theem nrab ntawm Circuit Court complexity. Qhov ob-sided PCB no tsis muaj ntau qhov kev sib tw hauv Circuit Court lossis qhov ntom ntom li multilayer PCBs, tab sis lawv ua haujlwm raws li qhov kev xaiv pheej yig hauv ntau daim ntawv thov. Ob-sided PCBs tuaj yeem tsim nyob rau hauv ntau yam kev cai tsim, nrog rau cov nyiaj thiab kub tiav, cov ntaub ntawv kub, thiab txheej txheej. Qhov no versatility tso cai rau lawv mus rau lub hwj chim ib tug yuav luag txwv tsis pub muaj pes tsawg tus ntawm tej yaam num ntawm tus nqi-zoo taw tes nyob rau hauv Tuam Tshoj.


Txheej txheej: 2 Ob Sab sided PCB

Thickness: 1.6 hli

Khoom Siv Khoom Siv: EM285 Halogen Dawb

Mininum Qhov Loj me me mm 0.2mm

Yam tsawg kawg nkaus Kab Dav / Clearance: 0.15mm / 0.15mm

Qhov loj me : 480mm × 250mm

Nam piv: 8: 1

Deg kev kho mob: ENIG

Tshwj xeeb : Countersink

Daim ntaub ntawv: Main Board / Consumer electronics

khoom Nthuav dav


khoom cim npe

Luam Tawm Hauv Circuit Board Kev Taw Qhia

A Circuit Court board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electrical or electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it.PCBs can be single-sided (one copper layer), double-sided (two copper layers on both sides of one substrate layer), or multi-layer (outer and inner layers of copper, alternating with layers of substrate). Multi-layer PCBs allow for much higher component density, because circuit traces on the inner layers would otherwise take up surface space between components. The rise in popularity of multilayer PCBs with more than two, and especially with more than four, copper planes was concurrent with the adoption of surface mount technology.

Ob-sided circuit boards yog me ntsis nyuaj dua li ib sab PCB. Cov boards no tsuas muaj ib txheej ntawm lub hauv paus substrate. Txawm li cas los xij, lawv muaj cov txheej txheem conductive ntawm txhua sab. Lawv siv tooj liab ua cov khoom siv hluav taws xob. Cia peb nkag mus tob rau hauv ob sab PCB kom paub ntau ntxiv!

Cov qauv thiab cov khoom siv ntawm ob sab PCB

Ob chav sided PCB cov ntaub ntawv tuaj yeem sib txawv raws li hom phiaj xwm. Txawm li cas los xij, cov khoom siv tseem ceeb yuav luag zoo ib yam rau txhua lub rooj tsav xwm hauv Circuit Court. Txawm li cas los xij, cov qauv ntawm PCB txawv ntawm hom rau hom.

Substrate: Nws yog cov khoom tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ua los ntawm fiberglass. Koj tuaj yeem xav tias nws yog lub cev pob txha ntawm PCB.

Copper Layer: Nws tuaj yeem yog cov ntawv ci lossis cov tooj liab tag nrho. Tias yog vim li cas nws nyob ntawm hom board. Qhov kawg tshwm sim yog tib yam txawm tias koj siv cov ntawv ci lossis tooj liab txheej. Ob chav sided circuit boards muaj cov txheej txheem tooj liab ntawm ob sab.

Solder Mask: Nws yog txheej tiv thaiv ntawm polymer. Yog li, nws tiv thaiv tooj liab los ntawm luv luv-circuiting. Koj tuaj yeem xav tias nws yog daim tawv nqaij ntawm lub rooj tsav xwm Circuit Court. Ob chav sided PCB soldering yog ib kauj ruam tseem ceeb heev rau kev ua haujlwm ntev.

Silkscreen: nws yog qhov kawg ntawm silkscreen. Txawm hais tias nws tsis muaj lub luag haujlwm hauv kev ua haujlwm ntawm lub rooj tsav xwm Circuit Court. Cov neeg tsim khoom siv nws los qhia cov lej. Cov lej feem tseem ceeb heev rau kev xeem. Tsis tas li ntawd, koj tuaj yeem luam koj lub tuam txhab logos lossis lwm yam ntaub ntawv hauv daim ntawv.

Qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo ntawm Ob Chav Sided Circuit Boards

Nov yog qee qhov pro thiab cons ntawm ob-sided luam ntawv Circuit Court boards:

Qhov zoo ntawm Ob-sided Circuit Boards

Siab Zoo: Kev npaj thiab tsim cov PCB no xav tau kev ua haujlwm zoo. Ua rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo.

Qhov chaw txaus rau Cheebtsam: Nws tsev ntau qhov chaw rau cov khoom. Vim tias ob sab ntawm txheej yog conductive.

Ntau Cov Kev Xaiv Tsim: Nws muaj cov txheej txheem ntawm ob sab. Koj tuaj yeem txuas cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sib txawv ntawm ob sab. Yog li koj muaj ntau txoj kev xaiv tsim.

Sourcing thiab Sinking Tam sim no: Thaum siv nws los ua cov txheej hauv qab, koj tuaj yeem siv nws rau dab dej thiab cov khoom tam sim no.

Kev Siv: Vim nws qhov ua tau zoo, koj tuaj yeem siv nws hauv ntau daim ntawv thov.

Disadvantages ntawm Ob-sided Circuit Court boards

Tus nqi siab dua: Ua rau ob sab conductive, nws los ntawm tus nqi siab dua me ntsis.

Cov kws tsim txuj ci xav tau: Muaj kev cuam tshuam me ntsis nyuaj ob sab PCB tsim cov txheej txheem rau nws tsim. Yog li ntawd, koj xav tau ntau tus kws tshaj lij engineers rau nws cov khoom tsim tawm.

Lub Sijhawm Ntau Lawm: Lub sijhawm tsim khoom ntau dua li ib sab PCB vim nws qhov nyuaj.

Daim ntawv thov ntawm Ob Chav Sided Circuit Boards

Hom Circuit Board no ua rau kom muaj qhov ntom ntom ntom nti. Lawv hloov tau ntau dua thiab. Yuav luag txhua ob tog PCB cov tuam txhab siv nws hauv ntau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob. Hauv qab no yog qee qhov kev siv zoo kawg nkaus ntawm ob-sided circuit boards:

HVAC thiab LED teeb pom kev zoo

Traffic Control System

Automotive dashboards

Tswj relays thiab lub zog hloov dua siab tshiab

Regulators thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob

Txhawm rau kuaj thiab saib xyuas cov cuab yeej sib txawv

Cov tshuab luam ntawv thiab xov tooj ntawm tes

Cov tshuab muag khoom.

Hom-ntawm-PCB YMSPCB

YMS Yooj yim PCB tsim muaj peev xwm:

YMS Nus PCB tsim muaj peev txheej saib xyuas dua
Ntseg muaj peev xwm
Txheej Txheej 1-60 hli
Muaj Cov Qauv PCB Uas Siv Tau Los Ua Los ntawm qhov nrog Aspect Ratio 16: 1
faus thiab dig muag ntawm
Lub Tshoob Loj Cov Khoom Siv xws li RO4350B thiab FR4 Mix thiab lwm yam.
Cov Khoom Siv Kub Ceev xws li M7NE thiab FR4 Mix thiab lwm yam.
Cov khoom siv CEM- CEM-1; CEM-2 ; CEM-4 ; CEM-5.etc
FR4 EM827, 370HR, S1000-2, IT180A, IT158, S1000 / S1155, R1566W, EM285, TU862HF, NP170G thiab lwm yam.
Kev kub ceev Megtron6, Megtron4, Megtron7, TU872SLK, FR408HR, N4000-13 Series, MW4000, MW2000, TU933 thiab lwm yam.
High Zaus Ro3003, Ro3006, Ro4350B, Ro4360G2, Ro4835, CLTE, Genclad, RF35, FastRise27 thiab lwm yam.
Lwm tus Polyimide, Tk, LCP, BT, C-ply, Fradflex, Omega, ZBC2000, PEEK, PTFE, ceramic-based thiab lwm yam.
Thickness 0.3 hli-8 hli
Max. tooj liab Thickness 10 ZOS
Yam tsawg kawg kab Dav thiab qhov chaw 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
BGA CHAW 0.35 hli
Min mechanical Drilled Qhov Coob 0.15 hli (6mil)
Saib tus ntsuas rau ntawm lub qhov 16 : 1
Nto xaus HASL, Lead dawb HASL, ENIG, Immersion Tin, OSP, Immersion Silver, Gold Finger, Electroplating Hard Kub, Xaiv OSP , ENEPIG.etc.
Ntawm Cov Kev Xaiv Sau Qhov ntawm yog plated thiab tau sau nrog nrog conductive lossis tsis-conductive epoxy ces capped thiab plated dhau (VIPPO)
Tooj liab ntim, tau sau nyiaj
Sau npe 4mil
Tus Neeg Muag Khoom Daim npog qhov ncauj Ntsuab, Liab, Daj, Xiav, Dawb, Dub, Ntshav, Matte Dub, Matte green.etc.


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Ob chav sided PCB yog dab tsi?

    Ob Chav Sided PCB lossis Ob Txheej Txheej Luam Ntawv Circuit Board yog qhov nyuaj dua li Ib Sab PCBs. Cov hom PCB no muaj ib txheej ntawm lub hauv paus substrate tab sis conductive (tooj liab) txheej ntawm ob sab ntawm substrate. Lub npog ntsej muag yog siv rau ntawm ob sab ntawm lub rooj tsavxwm.

    Ob txheej txheej PCB siv rau dab tsi?

    Consumer Electronics; Kev lag luam Electronics; Kev siv tsheb; Cov khoom siv kho mob

    Yuav ua li cas yog ob txheej txheej PCB?

    FR4 + tooj liab + soldermask + silkscreen

    Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm ib txheej thiab ob txheej PCB?

    Daim duab ib sab PCB feem ntau yog siv Network Printing (Screen Printing), uas yog, tiv taus ntawm tooj liab, Tom qab etching, kos lub vuam tsis kam, thiab tom qab ntawd ua tiav lub qhov thiab cov duab ntawm qhov chaw los ntawm kev xuas nrig ntaus.
    Ib leeg-sided printed circuit boards yog dav siv nyob rau hauv ntau yam electronics, whereas ob-sided circuit boards feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv high technology electronics.
    Cov ntawv luam tawm ib leeg ib sab feem ntau siv rau hauv cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab cov ntawv thov, suav nrog lub koob yees duab, tshuab luam ntawv, khoom siv xov tooj cua, tshuab xam zauv, thiab ntau ntxiv.

  • Sau koj cov lus no thiab xa nws mus rau peb
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