Metal pcb Double sided metal core pcb Metal clad pcb| YMS PCB
Rau hlau substrate, tooj liab thiab txhuas yog siv nyob rau hauv PCB, tab sis muaj ntau yam ntaub ntawv sau npe;
Txawm li cas los, yog hais tias peb sib tham txog nws los ntawm qhov lub ntawm lub PCB Plating, peb tau txais ib tug txawv lig teb:
PCB plating mas muaj xws li tooj liab, tin, npib tsib xee thiab kub plating.Copper plating yog ib qho tseem ceeb ua technology nyob rau hauv PCB raug.
Raws li koj paub, tooj liab plating muaj qhov zoo zoo hluav taws xob conductivity, thermal conductivity, neeg kho tshuab malleability thiab thiaj li nyob, namely, tooj liab immersion tom qab drilling, electroplating ntawm tag nrho cov PCB, thiab thooj Circuit Court nrog tooj liab, tag nrho cov uas yog los xyuas kom meej hluav taws xob conductivity ; Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, zoo tib yam plating tshuaj no yog CuSO4;
In short, the process goes like this: drilling - immersion copper-plating - wire-drawing - etching
Koj tuaj yeem nyiam:
1, Understand the construction of heavy copper PCB