The digital circuit is a powerhouse and high-speed PCBs are full of microprocessors and other components that are managing billions and billions of operations each second. That means any flaw or error in design can cause a significant issue and prevent proper operation.
It’s important for any high-speed PCB to be properly engineered to reduce flaws through elements such as impedance discontinuities in transmission lines, improper plating of the through-hole interconnections or other losses of PCB signal integrity.
High-speed PCBs are common in almost every industry that we interact with in our daily lives, from the bank on the corner to the device and infrastructure you’re using to read this article — and that goes double for anyone reading this on a mobile device.
Some of the applications and industries we’ve worked with on high-speed digital PCBs include:
Network communications for signal integrity verification
Small-factor layout and design for elements such as radios with a high need for impedance control
Consumer-facing installed electronics, such as ATMs, which need to be maintained with the latest standards, have high volumes and need a short time-to-market
High-speed digital test boards for various signals, including tests for RF signal roll-off
Medical equipment that requires high-speed, extremely dense but low-cost individual PCBs