Rigid flex pcb design HDI staggered vias and stacked vias Stiffener| YMSPCB
Am measg nan seòrsaichean toraidh cruaidh-Flex tha:
- Seòrsa 1: Stuth sùbailte aon-taobhach le no às aonais sgiath (ean) no stiffener (aon shreath stiùiridh).
- Seòrsa 2: Stuth sùbailte le dà thaobh le no às aonais sgiath (ean) no stiffener (dà shreath stiùiriche) le plated tro thuill.
- Seòrsa 3: Stuth sùbailte multilayer le no às aonais sgiath (ean) no stiffener (barrachd air dà shreath stiùiriche) le plated tro thuill agus HDI.
- Seòrsa 4: Measgachadh stuthan cruaidh is sùbailte multilayer (barrachd air dà shreath stiùiriche) le plated tro thuill agus HDI.
YMS Rigid Flex PCB manufacturing capa:
Sealladh farsaing air comasan saothrachaidh YMS Rigid Flex PCB | ||
Feart | comasan | |
Cunntas sreathan | 2-20L | |
Tiugh cruaidh-sùbailte | 0.3mm-5.0mm | |
Tiugh PCB ann an roinn flex | 0.08-0.8mm | |
copar tiugh | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Leud is àite as ìsle | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) | |
Stiffeners | Stàilinn stainless , PI , FR4 , Aluminium msaa. | |
Stuth | Polyimide Flex + FR4, copar RA, copar HTE, polyimide, adhesive, Bondply | |
Meud drile meacanaigeach | 0.15mm (6mil) | |
Meud tuill laser laser: | 0.075mm (3mil) | |
Crìoch uachdar | Crìochnachaidhean urface microwave / RF PCB iomchaidh: Nickel Electroless, Òr bogaidh, ENEPIG, HASL an-asgaidh luaidhe, Immersion Silver.etc. | |
Measg solder | Uaine, dearg, buidhe, gorm, geal, dubh, purpaidh, dubh dubh, uaine matte.etc. | |
Covrelay (Pàirt Flex) | Còmhdach buidhe, WhiteCoverlay, Black Coverlay |
Ionnsaich tuilleadh mu thoraidhean YMS
Leugh tuilleadh naidheachdan

What is flexible and rigid flex PCB
As the names suggest, a rigid PCB is a circuit board built on a rigid base layer that cannot bend, while a flexible PCB, also called a flex circuit, is built on a flexible base capable of bending, twisting and folding.
Where are rigid flex PCBs used?
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