China Flex rigid pcb HDI Rigid Flex PCB| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Flex rigid pcb HDI Rigid Flex PCB| YMS PCB

Cur síos achomair:

China pcb manufacturer YMS has extensive experience, product knowledge and technical competency in Flex and Rigid-Flex manufacturing.


Sraitheanna: 6L HDI Rigid Flex PCB

Smaointeoireacht an Bhoird: 0.6mm +/- 0.1mm

Tiús PCB sa chuid flex: 0.08mm +/- 0.03mm

Bunábhar: PI + FR4PP

Poill Íosta meicniúla : 0.15mm

Leithead / Imréiteach Íosta Líne : 0.075mm / 0.075mm (3mil / 3mil)

Íos-Imréiteach idir Ciseal Istigh PTH agus Líne : 0.2mm


Cóimheas Gné : 5.33: 1

Cóireála dromchla: ENIG

Speciality: rigid flex pcb, HDI ,Laser via copper plated shut

Impedance difreálach 100 + 7 / -8Ω

Applications: Camera Moudule

Sonraigh Táirge


Táirge Clibeanna

Cad is PCB Righin Flex ann?

Is cláir are designed to provide solutions, and act as replacements for rigid PCBs. As the name suggests, these circuit boards are a hybrid of flex and rigid circuits. The advantage of this type is that they exhibit the benefits of both rigid as well as flexible circuit boards.

Stack flex docht

Cumais Rigid Flex PCB  manufacturing capa:

Forbhreathnú ar chumais déantúsaíochta YMS Rigid Flex PCB
Gné cumais
Líon Sraitheanna 2-20L
Tiús Righin-Flex 0.3mm-5.0mm
Tiús PCB sa chuid flex 0.08-0.8mm
Tiús copair 1 / 4OZ-10OZ
Leithead agus Spás Íosta líne 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
Stiffeners Cruach dhosmálta , PI , FR4 , Alúmanam srl.
Ábhar Polyimide Flex + FR4, copar RA, copar HTE, polaimíd, greamachán, Bondply
Méid Druileáilte Min meicniúil 0.15mm (6mil)
Min Poill léasair Méid: 0.075mm (3mil)  
Críochnaigh Dromchla Bailchríocha urchóide oiriúnacha Micreathonn / RF PCB: Nickel Leictreonach, Óir Tumoideachais, ENEPIG, HASL saor ó luaidhe, Tumoideachas Silver.etc.
Masc solder Glas, Dearg, Buí, Gorm, Bán, Dubh, Corcra, Neamhlonrach Dubh, Neamhlonrach glas.etc.
Covrelay (Cuid Flex) Coverlay Buí, WhiteCoverlay, Black Coverlay

  • Roimhe Seo:
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  • What is a flex PCB?

    Tá an (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.

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