China Metal pcb Double sided metal core pcb Metal clad pcb| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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Metal pcb Double sided metal core pcb Metal clad pcb| YMS PCB

Koarte beskriuwing:

In a multilayer metal core printed circuit board (MCPCB ), the layers will be evenly distributed on each side of the metal core. For instance, in a 12-layer board, the metal core will be at the center with 6 layers on the top and 6 layers at the bottom. 


Lagen: 2L 

Board Thinkness:3.0mm

Basismateriaal: Koper beklaaid laminaat

Min gatten: 0,5 mm

Minimale rigelbreedte / klaring : 0.2mm / 0.2mm

Minimale ôfstân tusken binnenlaach PTH en line : 0.2mm


Aspektferhâlding : 6: 1

Oerflak treatment: OSP

Spesjaliteit: multilayer metalen kearn

Applikaasjes: Converters

produkt Detail

produkt Tags

Foar metalen substraat, koper en aluminium wurde brûkt yn PCB, mar hawwe ferskillende tapassingen;

Lykwols, as wy beprate dat út 'e hoeke fan' e PCB plating, wy krije in folslein oar antwurd:

PCB plating benammen befettet koper, tin, nikkel en goud plating.Copper plating is in wichtige ferwurking technology yn PCB Manufacturing.

Sa't jo witte, koper plating hat de foardielen fan it goede elektryske conductivity, termyske conductivity, meganyske malleability ensafuorthinne, nammentlik, koper immersion nei boarring, electroplating fan 'e hiele PCB, en zunehmend circuit mei koper, allegearre dy't om derfoar te soargjen elektryske conductivity ; Dêrneist gewoane plating oplossing is CuSO4;

In short, the process goes like this: drilling - immersion copper-plating - wire-drawing - etching

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1, Understand the construction of heavy copper PCB

2, Common reasons for PCB to dump copper

3, PCB coated with copper knowledge tips

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