Rigid flexible pcb 6L HDI PCB Laser via copper plated shut| YMS PCB
Zer da Flex PCB zurruna?
Rigid-Flex printed circuit boards are designed to provide solutions, and act as replacements for rigid PCBs. As the name suggests, these circuit boards are a hybrid of flex and rigid circuits. The advantage of this type is that they exhibit the benefits of both rigid as well as flexible circuit boards.
YMS Rigid Flex PCB fabrikazio gaitasunak :
YMS Rigid Flex PCB fabrikazio gaitasunen ikuspegi orokorra | ||
Ezaugarria | gaitasunak | |
Geruza kopurua | 2-20L | |
Zurrun-Flex lodiera | 0,3 mm-5,0 mm | |
PCB lodiera flex sekzioan | 0,08-0,8 mm | |
kobrea Lodiera | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Gutxieneko lerroaren zabalera eta espazioa | 0,05 mm / 0,05 mm (2 mil / 2 mil) | |
Gogortzaileak | Altzairu herdoilgaitza , PI , FR4 , Aluminioa etab. | |
Materiala | Polyimide Flex + FR4, RA kobrea, HTE kobrea, Bondply | |
Zulatutako neurri mekanikoa | 0,15 mm (6 milia) | |
Min laser zuloen neurria: | 0,075 mm (3 mil) | |
Azalera akabera | Mikrouhin / RF PCB urface akabera egokiak: nikel elektrolikorik gabea, murgiltze urrea, ENEPIG, berunik gabeko HASL, murgiltzea Silver.etc. | |
Soldadura Maskara | Berdea, gorria, horia, urdina, zuria, beltza, morea, beltza matea, berde matea, etab. | |
Covrelay (Flex Zatia) | Coverlay horia, WhiteCoverlay, Coverlay beltza |
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