China HDI printed circuit boards 8Layer 2 Step HDI Board| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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HDI printed circuit boards 8Layer 2 Step HDI Board| YMS PCB

Deskribapen laburra:

HDI zirkuitu inprimatuak offer the finest trace structures, the smallest holes and Blind & Buried Vias (Microvias). HDI technology enables a highly compact, reliable printed circuit board design. Also applied are Via-in-Pad and multiple microvia-layers (Stacked & Staggered Vias).


Layers: 8

Base Material:FR4 High Tg EM827

Lodiera: 1,6 ± 0.10mm

Min.Hole Size:0.15mm

Gutxieneko Line zabalera / Space: 0.10mm / 0.10mm

Barne geruzaren PTH eta lerroaren arteko gutxieneko hutsunea : 0,2 mm

Tamaina: 222mm × 120mm

Aspect Ratio:10.6 : 1

Azalera tratamendua: ENIG

Speciality: Laser via copper plated shut,VIPPO Technology,Blind Via and Buried Hole

Eskaerak: Computer

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ohiko galderak

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HDI PCBa is the high-density interconnector PCB. It is a type of PCB technology that is very popular in various devices. HDI PCBs are the results of miniaturization of components and semiconductor packages because they can realize more functions on the same or less board area through some technologies.

HDI PCBs have finer lines, minor holes, and higher density than conventional PCBs, providing necessary touting solutions for the chips with many pins in mobile devices and other high-tech products.HDI PCB usually has 4,6,8 layer or even higher.

HDI design combines dense component placement and finer circuits, using less board without compromise functions. Compared to ordinary PCBs, the main difference is that HDI PCBs realize the interconnect through blind vias and buried vias instead of through holes. And HDI PCBs use laser drilling while traditional PCBs usually use mechanical drilling. The birth of the HDI PCBs brings more possibilities for portable electronic devices and more challenges for PCB manufacturers. For accommodating the trend of miniaturization and multifunction of electronics, YMS has done a lot to improve the level of equipment and staff professionalism. You can be assured to offer us the HDI designs, and we will give you a satisfactory service and HDI products.

GGI Kontseilua ekoizpen-prozesua:

At present, HDI board interconnection between layer and layer is mainly the following design: Staggered holes interconnection, Cross-layer interconnection, ladder interconnection and superposition holes interconnection. Among them, the superposition holes interconnection occupy the least space. There is a research suggests that reducing the number of through holes and increasing the number of blind holes can effectively improve the wiring density. And in the superposition interconnection, the methods of electroplating and resin plug are mainly used, especially the electroplating hole filling method which has more obvious advantages like high reliability and good conduction performance. Therefore, superposition interconnection is the most widely used design method for blind holes design. The process of stacking between layers is as follows: first blind hole is made, then second blind hole is made after lamination, then multi-blind hole is made according to this method, and the interconnection between layers is realized by electroplating hole filling method.

Oro har, ekoizpen HDI plaka prozesua konplexua da, eta horrek asko ekoizpen aldiz denbora luzez ondoren amaitu behar da. Ez da bakarrik zehaztasun eta shrinkage geruza bakoitzaren kontrol baldintzak handia, baina baita material, ekipo, ingurumena eta teknikariak ere estandar altua.


YMS HDI PCB manufacturing capabilities:

YMS HDI PCB fabrikazio gaitasunen ikuspegi orokorra
Ezaugarria gaitasunak
Geruza kopurua 4-60L
Eskuragarri dauden HDI PCB teknologia 1 + N + 1
2 + N + 2
3 + N + 3
4 + N + 4
5 + N + 5
Edozein geruza
Lodiera 0.3mm-6mm
Gutxieneko lerroaren zabalera eta espazioa 0,05 mm / 0,05 mm (2 mil / 2 mil)
BGA PITCH 0,35 mm
Min laser bidez zulatutako tamaina 0,075 mm (3il)
Zulatutako neurri mekanikoa 0,15 mm (6 milia)
Laser zuloaren itxura ratioa 0,9: 1
Zulo iragankorraren itxura erlazioa 16: 1
Azalera akabera HASL, berunik gabeko HASL, ENIG, murgiltze latakoa, OSP, murgiltze zilarra, urrezko hatzarekin, galvanizatutako urrezko gogorra, OSP selektiboa , ENEPIG.etc.
Bete Aukeraren bidez Bidea estalita dago eta epoxi eroale edo ez eroaleaz betetzen da, gero estalita eta estalita
Kobrea beteta, zilarrez betea
Laserra kobrezko estalki bidez
Izena ematea ± 4mil
Soldadura Maskara Berdea, gorria, horia, urdina, zuria, beltza, morea, beltza matea, berde matea, etab.

  • Aurreko:
  • Hurrengoa:

  • What is HDI material?

    FR4 Fiberglass board or ceramic board

    Are printed circuit boards still used?

    Yes,the Printed circuit board(PCB) is the foundation of electronic equipment, and it can be found in every electronic device in today ’s world

    What is the major disadvantage of printed circuit boards?

    1.single use 2.environmental pollution 3.high cost

    Is there gold in printed circuit boards?

    yes,there is

  • Idatzi zure mezua hemen eta bidal iezaguzu
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