Flex rigid pcb HDI Rigid Flex PCB| YMS PCB
Mis on jäik Flex PCB?
Rigid-Flex trükkplaadid are designed to provide solutions, and act as replacements for rigid PCBs. As the name suggests, these circuit boards are a hybrid of flex and rigid circuits. The advantage of this type is that they exhibit the benefits of both rigid as well as flexible circuit boards.
YMS Rigid Flex PCB tootmisvõimsused :
Ülevaade YMS Rigid Flex PCB tootmisvõimalustest | ||
Tunnusjoon | võimeid | |
Kihtide arv | 2-20L | |
Rigid-Flex paksus | 0,3–5,0 mm | |
PCB paksus painduvas osas | 0,08-0,8 mm | |
vask Paksus | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Minimaalne joone laius ja ruum | 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil) | |
Tugevdajad | Roostevaba teras , PI , FR4 , Alumiinium jne | |
Materjal | Polyimide Flex + FR4, RA vask, HTE vask, polüimiid, liim, Bondply | |
Min mehaaniline puuritud suurus | 0,15 mm (6 miljonit) | |
Minimaalne laseraukude suurus: | 0,075 mm (3 miljonit) | |
Pinna viimistlus | Sobivad mikrolaineahju / raadio-PCB urasi viimistlusmaterjalid: elektrolüüsitu nikkel, sukelduskuld, ENEPIG, pliivaba HASL, keelekümblushõbe jne | |
Jootemask | Roheline, punane, kollane, sinine, valge, must, lilla, matt must, matt roheline jne. | |
Covrelay (painduv osa) | Kollane kattekiht, valge kattekiht, must kattekiht |
Lisateave YMS -toodete kohta

What is a flex PCB?
Paindlikel trükkplaatidel (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.
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