Flex rigid pcb HDI Rigid Flex PCB| YMS PCB
Què és un PCB Rigid Flex?
Les plaques de circuits impresos Rigid-Flex are designed to provide solutions, and act as replacements for rigid PCBs. As the name suggests, these circuit boards are a hybrid of flex and rigid circuits. The advantage of this type is that they exhibit the benefits of both rigid as well as flexible circuit boards.
Capacitats de PCB flexibles rígids manufacturing capa:
Visió general de les capacitats de fabricació de PCB rigides YMS | ||
Funció | capacitats | |
Recompte de capes | 2-20L | |
Gruix Rigid-Flex | 0,3 mm-5,0 mm | |
Gruix de PCB en secció flexible | 0,08-0,8 mm | |
Gruix de coure | 1 / 4OZ-10OZ | |
Amplada i espai mínim de la línia | 0,05 mm / 0,05 mm (2 mil / 2 mil) | |
Reforçadors | Acer inoxidable , PI , FR4 , Alumini etc. | |
Material | Polyimide Flex + FR4, coure RA, coure HTE, Bondply | |
Mida mínima perforada mecànica | 0,15 mm (6 mil) | |
Mida mínima de forats làser: | 0,075 mm (3 mil) | |
Acabat superficial | Acabats urface de microones / PCB RF adequats: níquel sense electròli, or per immersió, ENEPIG, HASL sense plom, plata per immersió, etc. | |
Màscara de soldadura | Verd, vermell, groc, blau, blanc, negre, morat, negre mat, verd mat, etc. | |
Covrelay (part flexible) | Coverlay groc, WhiteCoverlay, Coverlay negre |
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What is a flex PCB?
Els PCB flexibles (FPC) are the PCBs that can be bent or twisted without damaging the circuits, which means the boards can be bent freely to conform to the desired shape during applications. The material the substrate used is flexible, such as Polyamide, PEEK, or a conductive polyester film.
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