China High Tg material PCB 6 Layer High Tg Board| YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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High Tg material PCB 6 Layer High Tg Board| YMS PCB

አጭር መግለጫ:

High TG PCBs have an array of applications, from engines to industrial processes, WiFi boosters, and computer systems. They mitigate the internal damage a machine does to itself when it functions by raising the tolerance of a device to heat, moisture, and chemical corrosion. Not only do they improve functionality, but they also enhance the lifespan of PCBs in general by reducing common issues like short-circuiting. If you are looking to get the best-embedded systems or a high TG ዲስትሪከት አምራች , look no further. You can use YMS technology to design your high TG PCB boards.


Layers: 6L High Tg FR4 Material የቦርድ አስተሳሰብ: 1.6 ሚሜ Base Material:EM827 High tg የማዕድን ጉድጓድ ቀዳዳዎች: 0.2 ሚሜ አነስተኛ የመስመር ስፋት / ማጣሪያ Cle 0.075mm / 0.075mm በውስጠኛው ንብርብር PTH እስከ መስመር : 0.2 ሚሜ መካከል አነስተኛ ማጣሪያ Size:214mm×148mm ገጽታ ሬሾ: 8: 1 የገጸ ህክምና: ENIG Single-sided impedance 55Ω±10%, Differential impedance 100+7/-8Ω Applications: Consumer electronics

የምርት ዝርዝር


የምርት መለያዎች

High-TG PCB Advanced Circuits Specification

The glass transition temperature of PCB, referred to as "Tg", indicates the point at which the PCB material will begin to transform. If the operating temperature exceeds the designated Tg value, the board will begin to change from a solid to a liquid state, which is likely to have an adverse effect on its ability to function.

Standard PCBs are manufactured with materials offering a TG value of 140°C, which can withstand an operating temperate of 110°C. While this may not be suitable for extreme-temperature processes that are commonplace in applications such as automotive, industrial or high-temperature electronics. In these situations, a PCB made from FR-4 High TG material can often provide the best solution.

 High TG material-selection

YMS High Tg PCB manufacturing capabilities:

YMS High Tg PCB manufacturing capabilities overview

ባህሪ ችሎታዎች
የንብርብር ቆጠራ 3-60 ሊ
ይገኛል ሁለገብ ፒ.ሲ.ቢ. ቴክኖሎጂ ከፕሬስ ሬሾ 16: 1 ጋር ባለው ቀዳዳ በኩል
የተቀበረ እና ዕውር በኩል
ድቅል High Frequency Material such as RO4350B and FR4 TG 180°Mix  etc.
High Speed Material such as M7NE and FR4 TG 180°Mix   etc.
ውፍረት 0.3 ሚሜ -8 ሚሜ
አነስተኛ መስመር ስፋት እና ክፍተት 0.05 ሚሜ / 0.05 ሚሜ (2 ሚሊል / 2 ሚሜ)
ቢ.ጂ. ፒች 0.35 ሚሜ
ደቂቃ ሜካኒካዊ ቁፋሮ መጠን 0.15 ሚሜ (6 ሚሜ)
ቀዳዳ በኩል ለማግኘት ምጥጥነ ገጽታ 16 1
የገጽ ማጠናቀቂያ HASL ፣ መሪ ነፃ HASL ፣ ENIG ፣ ማጥመጃ ቲን ፣ ኦኤስፒ ፣ ጠላቂ ብር ፣ የወርቅ ጣት ፣ ኤሌክትሪክ ሀርድ ወርቅን በኤሌክትሪክ መመንጨት ፣ መራጭ OSP , ENEPIG.etc.
በአማራጭ መሙላት በኩል መተላለፊያው ተሞልቶ በሚሠራው ወይም በማያስተላልፍ ኢፖክ ተሞልቶ ከዚያ ተሸፍኖ ተሸፍኗል (ቪአይፒኦ)
መዳብ ተሞልቶ ፣ ብር ተሞልቷል
ምዝገባ ± 4 ሚል
የሶልደር ማስክ አረንጓዴ ፣ ቀይ ፣ ቢጫ ፣ ሰማያዊ ፣ ነጭ ፣ ጥቁር ፣ ሐምራዊ ፣ ደብዛዛ ጥቁር ፣ አረንጓዴ አረንጓዴ ወዘተ.

መውደድ ይችላሉ

1. PCB circuit board manufacturing packaging process

2. How to distinguish the quality of the PCB board

3. PCB board aqueduct solution is the best control

4, How Are Multi-layer PCBs Manufactured

ስለ YMS ምርቶች የበለጠ ይወቁ

  • የቀድሞው:
  • ቀጣይ:

  • What is high Tg PCB material?

    High Tg PCBs: Greater than 170°C with a typical range of 180°C to 225°C.

    What is Tg and TD in PCB?

    Tg is expressed in units of degrees Celsius (ºC). Decomposition temperature, or Td, is the temperature at which a PCB material chemically decomposes

    What is standard Tg?

    standard Tg:TG130-TG135°C

  • እዚህ መልዕክት ይጻፉ እና ለእኛ ይላኩት
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